t happened in a matter of hours from its official release from Apple, Mac OS X 10.5.3, the latest major release of Leopard has been hacked to run on your average PC using a special kernel to bypass special restrictions. Major build releasers such as JaS and Kalyway have already put out Combo Updates which will convert your Hackintosh to the latest version of Mac OS X Leopard which introduces a bunch of new features including upgraded drivers, over 200 bug fixes, and a new 9.3.0 kernel.
Files are currently being downloaded from various popular torrent sites including bay of plundering and green little demon. You know what I mean! I’ll post my success (or failire) of upgrading my current 10.5.2 Kalyway Hackintosh to the latest 10.5.3 using the now widely available 10.5.3 Kalyway Combo Update that hit the green this afternoon…
It all works, smooth as glass. Just follow Kalyway’s instructions and be sure that you don’t have any old kernel boot entries in your /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.Boot.plist. My kernel went from “tohkernel” (Old 9.2.0, from my 10.5.2 Combo Update), to “mach_kernel” (9.3.0, included in 10.5.3 Combo Update) and I set to timeout to 5 seconds because I hate waiting. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then the below screenshot is money in the bank. At least for me.