Mac OS X 10.5.4 has been released by Apple and is available through Software Update. The Delta Update weighs in at about 59MB. The update appears to be mostly a bug fixing release. MobileMe support is not mentioned in the documentation. 10.5.4 is safe if you have a vanilla install, be sure to back up kexts however.
Here is a list of the main fixes in the release:
-Includes recent Apple security updates.
-Resolves an issue with saving and reopening Adobe Creative Suite 3 files on a remote server.
-Includes additional RAW image support for several cameras.
-Addresses an issue that may result in a partially installed X11 application.
-Improves L2TP VPN client reliability.
-Addresses AirPort reliability issues with 5GHz networks.
-Addresses AirPort issues that may result in slower performance in Logic Studio or MainStage.
-Addresses a potential performance issue when loading secure web pages.
-Resolves issues that may be encountered when accessing secure web pages with client certificates that reside on a smart card.
-Addresses an issue in which switching from a space with a Finder window keeps the Finder as the active application instead of the application residing in the destination space.
-Fixes an issue in which dragging an application from the list of application assignments in Spaces System
-Preferences does not assign the application to the desired space.
-Resolves an Exposé issue that may result in only a subset of windows being shown.
Update Info
Netkas has done it again! After some hard work Netkas has not only managed to get Mac OS X 10.6 ”Snow Leopard” up and running on his Intel based Hackintosh, but also in full 64-Bit mode using the 10.0.0d1 64-Bit Mach Kernel.
Aside from the initial statement there is no further information describing how the installation went and if the recently announced EFI-X was ever used.
We’ll keep you posted.
After some quite long period of compiling/testing/debugging, semthex 10.4.8 kernel
finally boots to single user mode!
Congrats Semthex!
- This kernel was compiled for SSE2, so it will work for any SSE2 comp
- The NX bit is not required, disabled by JaS.
- HPET has also been disabled.
- Legacy support for socket 7 has been added as a boot option
Here is the semthex 10.4.8 source code: coming soon…
You can get original apple 10.4.8 sources here:
To compile, you need to install XCode 2.4:
Download and install the kernel tools:
Execute the following commands in Terminal to install:
$ curl -O
$ sudo tar xzf kernel-tools-8J2135.root.tar.gz -C /
Then extract the source to a folder in /tmp/sources, and fire a Terminal window:
sudo -s
cd /tmp
chmod -R 777 sources
cd sources
mach_kernel is in BUILD/dst
copy mach_kernel to the root of your test system.
chmod -R 755 mach_kernel
chown -R root:wheel mach_kernel
So you guys wonder what’s going on with the iPhone’s SDK Stevie announced in October.
The countdown has started, 15 days to go before the SDK release (hopefully!).
It has been rumored that some Developers already received the famous SDK to prepare
their applications and that it will only run under the new firmware “1.1.4 Alpha 2″.
So its clear the SDK won’t run on lower firmwares than 1.1.4.
Smart from the dev team to keep their 1.1.3 jailbreak secret until the 1.1.4 release!
With the new jailbreak and unlocks methods out there, we can except a new bootloader
in the 1.1.4 iPhone firmware. Something that will lock down our iPhones for a few months
until someone founds a way to jailbreak and unlock.
Do not upgrade yet ! Jailbreaking may work, but not unlocking…
Here is my script if you want to explore the content of 114 filesystem disk
and ramdisk: here
The script will download the new firmware and mount the disk images.
What’s new ?
- Bug fix sms app
- Better Camera software
- Better Bluetooth support
- Better network reception
- Safari tabs keep their content
Please read our FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions : here
Visit the new Forum: here
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Download links available in extended post.Some huge progress has been done on modding 10.4.8 kernel sources!
Mifki just gave us a taste of his work by sharing his undergoing dev kernel.
I had the chance to test it on my hack and it has booted to
(which then hangs for some unknown reason yet).
JaS has done some amazing work again!
He just released his 10.4.8 combo updates for Intel/AMD bundled in 4 packages.
- 2 packages for Intel SSE2 only and SSE2/SSE3 users
- 2 packages for AMD SSE2 only and SSE2/SSE3 users
This means you can update from any OS X 10.4.x to the latest JaS 10.4.8.
A full 10.4.8 DVD is to be expected soon… Stay tuned
Download them right here:
Download JaS 10.4.8 Intel SSE3 Combo Update
Download JaS 10.4.8 Intel SSE2 Combo Update
Download JaS 10.4.8 AMD SSE3 Combo Update
Download JaS 10.4.8 AMD SSE2 Combo Update
Important note for Intel SSE3 users only:
If you get an error where you can’t get past the blue screen, just do this:
Boot with following options: -v -f -s -x then type in
mount -uw /
mv /system/library/exrensions/r2d2.kext /system/library/extensions/
and let it boot up in safe boot
If you got a GMA gfx card:
While in safe boot mode, mount the 10.4.6/10.4.7 JaS install DVD
Run the following package:
Run Disk Utility, repair permissions and reboot.
If you run Pro applications:
Open 10.4.7 combo update (from apple)
with pacifist (
Install the iokit.framework
Important note for Myzar DVD users:
You must apply the AMD combo packages only!
Even if you run on intel!
This kernel does NOT need HPET nor NX !!!
Get sources here:
Change log:
Instructions to setup your test partition: link
Instructions to compile the kernel: link
Semthex has not included the TPM key in the sources,
so if you want to run the GUI, you need to replace commpage.c.
This kernel doesn’t decrypt apple encrypted binaries.
You need the 10.4.8 decrypts to run the GUI.
Please don’t ask decrypts here.
It’s not legit while modding the open source code is.
The default value for FSB is 200 Mhz if you do not specify anything.
So you should check your motherboard spec and the CPU you are using.
I was booting with 200 Mhz but in fact needed 133 Mhz. (Pentium D805 is 533 Mhz).
Thus my clock was too slow, and sound was crap.
Let say your motherboard support 533 and 800 Mhz FSB, but your processor is 533 Mhz.
Then you should set FSB at boot to 533/4 = 133 Mhz.
It is very IMPORTANT that you set the correct FSB speed.
Mifki just released a new version of his 10.4.8 kernel.
Now you can specify the frequency of the FSB as a boot option.
Download here:
Semthex kernel does also include the possibility at boot to choose a FSB frequency.
The default value is 200Mhz. If you want different value, you have 3 possibilities.
For 100 Mhz: use the -g boot option flag
For 133 Mhz: use the -y boot option flag
For 166 Mhz: use the -z boot option flag
Once you know your FSB, you can put it as default value for your boot args. Just edit: /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/
You should set this if using semthex kernel and 133 Mhz FSB:
<key>Kernel Flags</key>
This one is for multi OS addicts like me.
I have a triple boot with 2 versions of OS X86 and Windows XP.
So how do I exchange files between OS X86 and Windows systems?
Under Windows XP, I use MacDrive to read/write HFS+ partitions.
But under OS X86, I must use a FAT32 partition to write data on a windows partition.
NTFS is not supported in writing mode.
I really want to get rid of that FAT32 partition and avoid the max 4 gigs file size limitation.
So here is the solution, use MACFuse to write to NTFS file system.
Omni just released today his modded kext (drivers) to allow full CI/QE support
for NVidia cards!! Amazing project called Titan! Congrats omni!
Follow omni’s instructions:
Please note that this was only tested in OS X 10.4.8
with semthex kernel.
Put the kext in your /System/Library/Extensions/ folder,
then in Terminal:
sudo -s
chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extension/Titan.kext
chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions/Titan.kext
rm /System/Library/Extensions.mkext
rm /System/Library/Extensions.kextcache
Download Titan kext from:
Here is the first screenshot I got from semthex,
you can see 10.4.8 kernel running inside VMWare.
W00t! It should also be working for AMD boxes.
More info as soon as Myzar finish to test it on AMD.
CPUID checks are evil!
The last version of semthex 10.4.8 kernel is finally available for AMD,
allowing them to boot to full GUI!
The following features are now fully implemented:
- VMWare support
- FULL AMD support with GUI (all neccessary interfaces provided)
- free FSB selection
- CPU autodetection *NEW!*
This is still in beta stage and heavily tested. So please be patient,
or contribute to beta testing in #kernel channel @
SSE2 support is still to come.
This one is for multi OS addicts like me.
I have a triple boot with 2 versions of OS X86 and Windows XP.
So how do I exchange files between OS X86 and Windows systems?
Under Windows XP, I use MacDrive to read/write HFS+ partitions.
But under OS X86, I must use a FAT32 partition to write data on a windows partition.
NTFS is not supported in writing mode.
I really want to get rid of that FAT32 partition and avoid the max 4 gigs file size limitation.
So here is the solution, use MACFuse to write to NTFS file system.
This one is for multi OS addicts like me.
I have a triple boot with 2 versions of OS X86 and Windows XP.
So how do I exchange files between OS X86 and Windows systems?
Under Windows XP, I use MacDrive to read/write HFS+ partitions.
But under OS X86, I must use a FAT32 partition to write data on a windows partition.
NTFS is not supported in writing mode.
I really want to get rid of that FAT32 partition and avoid the max 4 gigs file size limitation.
So here is the solution, use MACFuse to write to NTFS file system.
This one is for multi OS addicts like me.
I have a triple boot with 2 versions of OS X86 and Windows XP.
So how do I exchange files between OS X86 and Windows systems?
Under Windows XP, I use MacDrive to read/write HFS+ partitions.
But under OS X86, I must use a FAT32 partition to write data on a windows partition.
NTFS is not supported in writing mode.
I really want to get rid of that FAT32 partition and avoid the max 4 gigs file size limitation.
So here is the solution, use MACFuse to write to NTFS file system.
Sherry Haibara has found a way to boot physical Windows partitions in Parallels,
running inside a MacOS X86 install! Congrats! Here is the tutorial:
Get the latest Parallels beta here
Open Parallels and choose to create a new virtual machine.
It’ll ask you what HD do you want to use. Choose Boot Camp.
Continue the setup, but do not run the Virtual Machine.
When finished, close Parallels.
Use a Text Editor to edit your virtual machine configuration file (*.pvs).
Find the line that says:
“Disk 0:0 image = Boot Camp” and replace it with this
“Disk 0:0 image = Boot Camp;diskxsy”
where diskxsy is your Windows/Linux/Other OS “Boot Camp” disk.
disk0s1 is valid for instance.
Save and exit.
Start up Parallels and launch the Virtual Machine. Enjoy!
source: InsanelyMac
The security update has been reported to work on any INTEL SSE3 machine.
AMD is broken, since it replaces some of the files (Finder) that have been patched.
You need to be sure that you are running r2d2,
which should be the case if you installed latest 10.4.8 JaS DVD.
If you are not sure, run the command kextstat under Terminal,
and see if r2d2.kext is listed/loaded.
If you are running the last modded from source 10.4.8 kernel,
you don’t need r2d2.kext anymore, it is integrated in kernel.
JaS released a SSE2-SSE3 universal DVD.
If you are new to OSX86, go get it! Pussy, pussy, pussy…
JaS also announced his retirement from the scene after seven successful DVD releases.
Long live JaS!
Read the full story of OSx86 on Wikipedia:
It was like a year go, JaS released the 10.4.8 Mac OS X86 DVD (link).
Now it is time for the new Leopard Mac OS to get his X86 version!
What’s so special with that version? Well, simple. It runs on a Windows PC!
And this time it’s a ToH release. Version RC2 is what you want!
Tip 1: BS:misc
Tip 2: md5 of correct RC2 iso is 83909703A60283FFC8F3DA1D8A8594F0
IRC: - #leopard - #10.5
RAW camera support
Handling of large or malformed images that could cause crashes
Image capture performance
Mouse scrolling and keyboard shortcuts
Font handling
Playback quality, and bookmarks in DVD Player
USB video conferencing cameras for use with iChat
Bluetooth devices
Browsing AFP servers
Apple USB Modem
Windows-created digital certificates
Open and Print dialogs in applications that use Rosetta on Intel-based Macs
Time zone and daylight saving for 2006 and 2007
Security updates
Expect a OSX86 compatible install soon (SSE3 & NO HPET & NO NX)
Here we are! The final release! Tiger is done!
10.4.9 Intel SSE3 only NoHPET & NoNX combo update package for Mac OS X86 is out!
Download now!
JaS strikes again! But this time he is not alone.
Kudos to semthex and anonymouss (netkas) for their hard work on the kernel.
And to the entire community of course.
Keep tha shit rollin’!
For the nostalgics, check:
Can’t wait for leo!
ifki’s kernel is only compatible with Intel mobo’s with SSE3 and HPET.
He also released a kernel version for Intel mobo’s without NX.
Don’t expect any further release from mifki, as he is satisfied with his kernel.
Here is the SSE3 HPET Intel kernel:
Here is the kernel for no NX :
Something you may want to try, DaemonES has released a kernel based
on mifki’s modified source code. This kernel has fsb/hpet/nx autodetection.
From another source, this kernel has NX disabled and fsb autodetection only.
No hpet autodetection bullshit
Check it out:
or here:
I just tried this new kernel from DaemonES.
All I can tell is that my FSB speed is correctly detected.
You can check your FSB speed with GeekBench:
Here is a screenshot, look at about this mac, funny stuff:
Join the new IRC home:
You’ll find the kernel in the channel #1049
Join the new IRC home:
You’ll find the kernel in the channel #1049
Santa Semthex just annouced on his blog that he will release the source code
of his modded 10.4.8 kernel that allows people to boot OSX86 on SSE3 and SSE2
Be sure to check out his new blog on December the 24th!
Join the new IRC home:
You’ll find the kernel in the channel #1049
Join the new IRC home:
You’ll find the kernel in the channel #1049
Apple has released the source code for 10.4.9 kernel!
And guess what, it has already been modded, but this time by netkas.
Compiled intel sse3 hpet kernel is on #1049 topic on
it includes northwood fix, r3d3 inside, autodetecting fsb speed.
Wow, just can’t believe it! 10.5 kernel sources released by Apple! Fusion 1.1.3 (Mac OS)
PALO ALTO, Calif., May 30, 2008 - VMware, Inc., the global leader in software for industry-standard virtualized desktops and servers, today announced availability of VMware Fusion 1.1.3 Build 94249. New version support for Mac OS X 10.5 “Leopard” and DirectX 9.0.
Based on VMware is market-leading desktop virtualization platform, VMware Fusion allows Mac users to simultaneously run Mac OS X, Windows and other PC-based applications on a single Mac.
Leveraging nearly a decade of desktop virtualization leadership and expertise underscored by more than 100 industry awards, VMware Fusion delivers the most advanced Mac virtualization software available today.
The software allows Mac users to take advantage of their hardware is full potential by running both 32 - and 64-bit operating systems, leveraging two processor cores at the same time and using a wide variety of USB 2.0 devices. VMware Fusion is also the only Mac virtualization software available today to provide full support for more than 60 operating systems and complete power management capabilities to safeguard virtual machines when laptops are running out of battery.
Issues Resolved in VMware Fusion 1.1.3:
Corrects a problem in which VMware Fusion encountered reactivation problems in the native Boot Camp partition and the Boot Camp virtual machine when installing Windows Vista SP1.
Fixes a problem in VMware Fusion 1.1.2 that caused HGFS mounting failures in Linux guest operating systems.
Fixes a problem where VMware Fusion did not distinguish between Traditional and Simplified Chinese so that if your system language preference was set to either Chinese version, Fusion would present the Simplified Chinese interface. In verison 1.1.3, Fusion differentiates between the two Chinese systems and enables the user to specify another language as a preference if Traditional Chinese is not available.
Updates the Simplified Chinese on-line help.
Corrects a problem in which a virtual machine originally created with a product other than Fusion got the error “Cannot connect virtual device sound” when it tried to play a sound.
VMware Fusion 1.1.1 incorporated a workaround for Apple bug 5679432 (Mac OS X hang under heavy disk load when unbuffered I/O is in use). That version of Fusion disabled unbuffered disk I/O on Mac OS X 10.5 hosts, even if the user selected Optimize for Mac OS application performance in VMware Fusion preferences. Apple fixed this bug in Mac OS X 10.5.3, so VMware Fusion 1.1.3 removes the workaround when the guest operating system is Mac OS X 10.5.3 or higher.
Intel-based Mac (to run 64-bit operating systems, an Intel Mac with a Core 2 Duo or Xeon processor is required)
512MB of RAM (1 GB or more recommended)
275MB free disk space for VMware Fusion
1GB free disk space for each virtual machine (10 GB or more recommended)
Mac OS X version 10.4.9 or later
Apple Remote Desktop is the best way to manage the Mac computers on your network.
Distribute software, provide real-time online help to end users, create detailed software and hardware reports, and automate routine management tasks — all without leaving your desk. Featuring Automator actions, Remote Spotlight search, and a new Dashboard widget, Apple Remote Desktop 3 makes your job easier than ever.
Apple Remote Desktop 3, the award-winning desktop management system for Mac OS X has more than 50 new features that deliver improvements in software distribution, asset management, and remote assistance. Apple Remote Desktop 3 offers a wide range of high performance features, including lightning-fast Spotlight searches across multiple Tiger systems; more than 30 Automator actions for easy automation of repetitive tasks; a Dashboard widget that provides quick and convenient observation of remote systems; and AutoInstall for automatically updating software on mobile systems once they return to the network.
Today, at 10:00AM(-8:00GMT), Steve Jobs will start his keynote and unveil new products. There is not that much more time to wait. Here in San Francisco, it is very sunny, not a cloud in the sky, and about 65ºF. Even before the keynote, we know he is going to mention something about the iPhone:
Same goes for many more countries, including Taiwan and Singapore.
I will post updates here as I hear about them.
-Snow Leopard confirmed, but it's getting shown after lunch
-Super Monkey Ball available on AppStore for $9.99, it has 110 levels. We still haven't gotten to any new products yet.
-New App: eBay, view your auctions, bid on watched auctions, and see if you've been bid out.
-Cro-Mag Rally and Enigmo: these were my two favorite games when I was younger, and they look great!
-Band from Moo Cow Music: it looks exactly like the app for jailbroken iPhones:
-For AIM: Apple will maintain a persistent IP connection to the phone, where a 3rd party server can ping Apple's notification service to your device. It can push badges, sounds, and custom textual alerts (like how SMSs look).
-Steve sez "Isn't that fantastic? This is going to be great. In addition... we've got a few new features. The first one: contact search. Type in a few chars, instantly find who you're looking for. Second? Full iWork document support -- Pages, Numbers, and of course, Keynote. Great way to look at your iWork docs on the go. And we've completed MS Office support: Word, Excel, and now PowerPoint, too."
-If the App is less than 10MB, it can be downloaded over the cell network, otherwise it's WiFi.
-mobileme exists. "It's like Exchange for the rest of us." Change a contact? Gets pushed up to MobileMe, down to all other device. "The best part of this, it works over the air. Everything is up to date." Includes calender, mail, contacts, iDisk, photos. MobileMe replaces .Mac.
-"Today w'ere introducing the iPhone 3g." "Improved audio, it's really, really great... and it feels even better in your hand, if you can believe it." "Flush headphone jack." "Solid metal buttons, the same gorgeous 3.5-inch display, camera" Less expensive.
"If we compare this to WiFi, we'll see 3G approaches WiFi speeds. We're also really proud that we're doing this with great battery life -- standby time is 300 hours." "Location services is going to be a really big deal on the iPhone -- you saw a bit of that here today, it's going to explode. We get location from celltowers, from WiFi, and now we get it from GPS." So that's A-GPS. "We can actually do tracking.""So great performance, great battery life. Now, one other thing that benefits from fast data is GPS -- we've built that into GPS." The crowd roars. "Browsing, 5-6 hours of high speed browsing. Video - 7 hours, audio - 24 hours."
-Black and white colors, 8gb for $199 and 16Gb for $299. July 11th.
Posted by WinLinMac01 on May 28th, 2008 in Community,
An Update for all Leo4All Users
When Eddie11c came up with the idea of a Universal Mac OS X Leopard release we (the administrators of the New Leo4All Forum) were astonished to hear that this was being developed. After taking the time to try the first few of his releases we were also amazed about the significant improvements that were being made after each release. Initially, when Eddie11c created his first release, WinLinMac01 became eager to test it out and was later motivated to create a Wiki as part of a new community known as the, OSx86-Leo4All Community, dedicated to Eddie11c. The Wiki followed great success detailing the issues that were revolving around the current release and solutions that were available for them. However, later this month, the Wiki experienced an overload of visitors which resulted in periodic lagging on the site. With the huge volume of visitors, posting on the forum integrated on the Wiki site, the numbers were simply unbearable. The Wiki needed continuous maintenance and other issues had to be resolved. The forum itself was disorganized. With this in hand, we have decided to utilize the Wiki as a Knowledge base Center from now on instead.
We have taken the opportunity to open a dedicated-Leo4All forum that will enable users to share their views about Leo4All, the issues they are facing, and much more, openly with us. We hope you enjoy the new look and freedom you are getting with this new site. Welcome to the New Leo4All Forum Website!
Thank you choosing Leo4All created by Eddie11c.
The Team
Posted by crawle on March 25th, 2008 in Osx86
Many forums claimed that it’s not possible to add a GUID/OSX86-Partition to the Windows Bootloader.
This post is dedicated to prove the opposite.
Ofcourse the operating systems have to be on seperated devices, because of the different partition schemes (Windows = MBR, OSX86 = MBR or GUID - in this case GUID).
But I found a way to add a OSX86-Partition on a GUID-Scheme to the Windows Bootloader.
If you don’t know whether your OSx86 is installed on a MBR or on a GUID scheme, just launch the Disk Utility in Utilities and look at the details of your Harddrive. If it’s MBR (Master Boot Record), you just need to add the chain0 file to your Windows’ root and add it to your boot.ini.
But in the case that your HDD is formatted to GUID (the more complex/advanced and easier scheme), you need another file. Please let me elaborate:
If in Windows, just use TransMac or MacDrive to find the file. If you’re using a Mac, click on Go to in the Menubar, then click on Go to directory/folder.
Type /usr/standalone/i386 - You’re now in the location of the OSx86-Bootfiles. Go to guid and copy the boot0 file to your Windows-Root (in most cases C:\). If you can’t access your Windows-HDD on Mac, please read this article.
Now you just have to add following line to your boot.ini (also placed in the Windows-Root but in most cases invisible, so just type C:\boot.ini in the Explorer-Browser):
The words Mac OS X Leopard can be customized - it’s just the displayed name of the operating system.
If you want your newly added OSx86 as the default operating system on start, change
That’s it. After that you can change the timeout in boot.ini if you desire to. Now you’ve got a Dual-Boot-System with Mac OS X (on GUID) and Windows (NT/XP/Vista).
Important Notes:
- If you’ve got Vista, you have to use EasyBCD to add a Mac OS -> iMac/iBook and use the boot0-file instead of boot.efi.
- If you’ve got Windows XP with Vista-Bootloader, remove all other entries than XP, so the Vista-Bootloader disappears on start and the NT-Bootloader is used.
Good Luck,
Posted by Puttabong on March 30th, 2008 in Osx86
Pcwiz has recently released Leo4VMware, a version of Apple’s Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.2, which has been modified to work flawlessly with VMware on Windows XP or Vista.
It’s not just a VMware disk image, it also contains the configuration files and everything one needs to boot right out of the box.
Installation Instructions:
Once you have unzipped the product, there will be a folder called Mac OS X Leopard. Launch VMware and open an existing virtual machine - then go into the unzipped Mac OS X Leopard Folder and select the FreeBSD 64 bit config file.
Important: “When this virtual machine is booting, if there is like a no smoking sign sort of thing (cross) over the Apple logo when booting, don’t worry about it, its normal.” (Pcwiz)
Posted by WinLinMac01 on April 23rd, 2008 in Osx86
It all started when I was finally able to successfully boot between Windows Vista and Mac OS X.
Whenever I logged out of Mac OS X, my main BIOS would move the time four hours back. That would also cause my time in Windows Vista to move four hours back as well although “Time Synchronization” was on.
I visited forum-to-forum searching for a solution for this small problem, until I read some users conducting a registry hack and others disabling Time Synchronization. Later did I notice that these solutions were ONLY temporary fixes. That’s when I stumbled upon a permanent fix. I visited the OSx86 Project website and there I found a successful solution for the Time Issue I was facing between Mac OS X and Windows. I was forced to create a new installer package which I did not have the time to make, so I left the job off to Zephyroth who was kind enough to make the installer for me using the commands below:
Leopard: Mac OS X Responsibility
In Leopard, /etc/rc.local, /etc/rc.shutdown.local and StartupItems startup/shutdown mechanisms are deprecated.
Instead, the following Leopard-friendly solution will toggle the clock between local time and UTC at start-up and shut-down times. You will need Administrator privileges when performing this procedure.
1. Create new file /sbin/localtime-toggle with the following contents:
to_utc() {
echo “localtime-toggle: Toggling to UTC.”
date `date -u +%m%d%H%M%Y`
to_localtime() {
echo “localtime-toggle: Toggling to localtime.”
date -u `date +%m%d%H%M%Y`
trap ‘to_localtime; exit’ term
{ while true; do sleep 86400; done; } &
2. Ensure that localtime-toggle is executable:
3. Create new file /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.osx86.localtime-toggle.plist with the following contents:
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC “-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN” ““>
<plist version=”1.0″>
4. Reboot.
At this point, your computer’s clock should correctly be set to UTC as Leopard boots, and reset back to local time as Leopard shuts down.
After compiling the programming code above into a small installer package it was only a matter of testing now.
I immediately restarted Mac OS X after installing the package (which can now be found over at the Infinite Mac Forums ) and went back into the same operating system just to confirm that the time was still correct.
I logged out, restarted, and went into Microsoft Windows, and there I found the correct time sitting on the lower right-hand corner of my screen. This was probably the happiest time of my life. I also confirmed that the time in BIOS was correct and it was. The results were positive. Thus, for those experiencing a similar problem with the time settings, do your self a favor and grab the installer over at this thread and send your worries away!
Note: It is still safe to enable Time Synchronization on both operating systems. - Enjoy!
Zephyroth has been hard at work not only in developing the Software Update Utility for AMD/Intel machines, but also a beta of an “About This Mac Modifier”, which allows users from both platforms to edit their “About this Mac” info screen using a graphical user interface (GUI).
Users are advised that this utility is still in early development (beta testing) and is subject to future updates.
What is it?
This software allows you to modify the “About This Mac” screen easily. You can use any image you want to replace the default Apple logo as well as change the CPU and RAM information.
New version of ATMM (0.3)
- Detect if the dropped file is an image or not.
- Automatically resize image to fit correctly in the About This Mac screen.
- Ask for logout if you dropped an image for the change to take effect.
- Some minor interface changes to be closer to the About This Mac screen.
As expected, the 3G iPhone 2.0 has been released today, 9th June 2008 at the World Wide Developer Conference Keynote in San Francisco.
Apple users world-wide have been watching the event using live chats, or will watch the event soon. Apple will publish a video with a record of the entire WWDC Keynote tonight.
The new iPhone includes 3G network support, enterprise support, third party application support, more countries & it’s more affordable! Apple has learned a lot with the first iPhone. They have used their experiences to create the iPhone 3G. It’s thinner, has a black plastic back, solid metal buttons, same gorgeous display, camera, flush headphone jack, and dramatically improved audio!
The iPhone 2.0 Software will contain several new features. It has contact search with live-searching and full iWork document support. It also comes with complete support for Office Documents, such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint. It containts bulk delete & move for messages and has the ability to save images.
A new calculator with scientific mode when you rotate the iPhone has been added, as well as parental controls and tremendous language support.
iPhone improvements
3G means faster data downloads, which is excellent for applications such as Safari and Mail. Comparing download speeds between 3G and EDGE proves that 3G is a great enhancement. 3G finished the test in 21 seconds. EDGE finished in 59 seconds, hence it is 2.8x faster. When compared to other 3G phones such as the Nokia N95 or Treo 750, the 3G iPhone is 36% faster and better looking. An email attachment download took 5 seconds to download on 3G and 18 seconds on EDGE - 3 seconds on WiFi.
3G also has excellent battery life on the iPhone. 300 hours of standby, 2G talk-time now has 10 hours, 5 hours of 3G talk-time (most phones only have 3 hour 3G talk time), 5 to 6 hours of high-speed browsing, 7 hours of video, 24 hours of audio!
GPS has been included in the iPhone 2.0. The iPhone can use data from cell towers, WiFi networks and now GPS. With GPS it can do tracking. A pulsating dot is moving across the Google map as a car drives down Lombard street.
Enterprise support is fully built-in.
Mobile Me
It works like ActiveSync. Push email, contacts, and calendars. Everything is up-to-date, wherever you are.
Everything stays in sync between iPhone, Mac, and PC. Data gets synched automatically both ways. It works over the air. Changes are displayed immediately. It has support for, iCal, and Address Book on Mac, and Outlook on Windows.
Mobile Me includes incredible Web 2.0 applications to provide a desktop-like experience on the web to work with all of the data. The address will be
A 60-day free trial will be available along with the iPhone 2.0 software in early July. MobileMe replaces .mac - The current subscribers will automatically be upgraded. The price is $99 annually.
You can watch the guided tour here.
New native Applications
The new Mail app allows panes to be resized, multiple messages to be selected like a real application, and to quick reply in-line.
The new Contacts app incorporates lists, live search, and Google map integration.
The calendar includes the typical day, week, and month views. Color coding and drag & drop events is supported as well.
Allows the user to drag & drop as well as live thumbnail scaling like in iPhoto.
Allows files to be sent to people right through the app. It includes over-the-air functionality with MobileMe. Pushed emails appear immediately on the iPhone as well as the web interface. Contacts which have been created via the iPhone will show up on the web interface. It has great support for meetings. A meeting can be added through the web-based calendar and appears immediately on the iPhone. Within seconds of making an adjustment to the calendar entry through the web interface, the update appears on the phone.
Now on to the affordability. The first iPhone started at $599 for the 8GB version. The current price is $399.
The iPhone 3G 8GB will sell for only $199. The 16GB model will sell for $299 . A white version of this size will be available too!
It will be available July 11th in 22 countries. The rollout will occur in countries such as in China, Japan, Australia, etc., 70 countries total, in the next few months.
The price for the new firmware is free in early July for all iPhone owners and costs $9.95 for iPod Touch owners.
Posted by Puttabong on May 31st, 2008 in Osx86, Releases |
Did you use one of the new 10.5.3 Combo Updates to update your Hackintosh to the latest version? If your machine uses one of the 7×00 or 8×00 series NVidia Graphic Cards you might have noticed a loss of Quartz Extreme and Core Image. Thanks to DiaboliK’s latest marihuana flavored NVidia Installer you might be able to fix the problems.
If your graphic card uses more than 256 MB RAM, try to create a customized plist file using DiaboliK’s Plist Generator.
NVkush can be downloaded at DiaboliK’s Helpful Files.
Manual Fix
If NVkush didn’t work you can try to use an EFI string for your card. If that doesn’t work either you could try Krazubu’s method instead. He claims that the process is very simple and the problem is caused by a little detail in the plist. However, the guide assumes that the card was working before the update, which means you were using the right kexts with the correct IDs and the injecter correctly set.
1. Open the Info.plist of your injecter
2. Find this line
3. Replace XXXX with 0
4. Save the new file to the desktop, move the file back and overwrite the original one. You will need to authenticate.
5. Fire up the terminal and type the following 3 lines to repair the permissions
sudo chmod -R 755 /system/library/extensions
sudo rm /system/library/extensions.mkext
6. Exit and Reboot, QE/CI should be back.
After yesterday's tumultuous excitement over MobileMe, the iPhone 3G, and Snow Leopard, another unannounced development has slipped under the radar. Today, Apple released an early preview of Safari 4.0 on its Apple Developer Connection website. Just a little over a year since betas of the Safari 3 browser began to become available to the public, its successor promises to begin laying down the foundation of the next iteration of the Mac OS X operating system - Snow Leopard. Like Snow Leopard, Safari 4 is primarily focused on performance enhancements, especially in its underlying WebKit engine, rather than new features and UI changes, scoring an impressive 98% on the Acid 3 test.
Currently, this early preview of Safari 4 is only available to developers and requires Safari 3.1.1 to install the update. As of this morning, it has also been spotted aboard a certain pirate ship docked in a bay.
Sekarang ini, setiap pembelian iMac, Macbook, Macbook Pro, dan komputer Macintosh baru lainnya, akan dibundel dengan OSX Leopard. Termasuk yang berkekuatan Penryn.
Wow.. Kalau bisa dapat Upgrade gratis ini, untuk apa susah payah
membeli yang versi retail dengan harga sekitar Rp 1.200.000 untuk versi
Single pack dan Rp 2.200.000 untuk versi family pack?
tunggu dulu. Ada sedikit perbedaan antara versi retail dan versi yang
dibundel oleh iMac, Macbook, dan mesin Macintosh lainnya. Mac OSX Leopard yang dibundel hanya bisa diinstall pada mesin yang sejenis. Artinya harus sama persis dengan mesin yang dibundelkan.
contohkan. Misalnya saya membeli Macbook Black dengan spesifikasi yang
tersedia. Lalu kita mendapatkan DVD Leopard Upgrade. DVD ini hanya bisa
diinstall pada Macbook black. Artinya bila kita punya Macbook pro yang
masih ber-OS Tiger (10.4.xx), kita tidak dapat melakukan upgrade ke Leopard (10.5.0)
dengan DVD yang dibundel oleh Macbook black tadi. Untuk melakukan
upgrade, harus dari Leopard versi retail (Yang harganya Rp 1.200.000
untuk Single Pack dan Rp 2.200.000 untuk Family Pack).
ternyata ada triknya untuk membuat DVD versi bundel ini menjadi versi
retail sehingga bisa dipakai untuk mengupgrade Macintosh yang lain.
Tetapi perlu diingat, trik ini jangan sampai disalahgunakan untuk hal -
hal yang ilegal dalam arti hanya digunakan untuk kepentingan pribadi
dan kemudahan pribadi belaka. Penasaran bagaimana caranya? Ikuti
petunjuk saya dibawah ini.
- Masukkan Licensed DVD 10.5.0 Leopard ke dalam Mac anda
- Buka Disk Utility. Bila tidak tahu letaknya, biar saya beritahu. MacintoshHD/application/utilities/disk utility
- Di disk utility, pilih disk installer leopard di sidebar, lalu pilih new image
- Setting volumenya pada "8GB (DVD+R DL)
- Pilih destination dan sourcenya. Lalu ok
- Macintosh akan membuatkan disk image baru dari DVD Leopard anda. Ini akan memakan waktu yang cukup lama.
- Setelah selesai, keluarkan DVD aslinya
- Buka disk image outputnya
- Wow,
foldernya hanya sedikit dan tampaknya itu bukan installernya. Tenang,
itu hanya 'disembunyikan' jadi kita harus membuka hidden file - Cara membuka hidden file, buka terminal (MacintoshHD/application/utilities/terminal) lalu ketikkan perintah berikut ini :
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles True - Tekan
enter. Kode tersebut sudah aktif, tapi belum muncul tanda - tanda
terbukanya hidden file. Artinya finder harus direlaunch. Caranya ketik
kode berikut ini pada baris berikutnya di terminal :
Killall Finder - Sudah selesai, hidden file sudah terbuka.
- Masuk ke disk image yang sudah dimounting, lalu masuk kesini :
/Volumes/Mac OS X Install DVD/System/Installation/CDIS/ - Klik kanan pada "Mac OS X Installer" dan pilih 'Show Package Contents'
- Akan terbuka jendela baru, lalu navigasi ke Contents/Resources lalu delete file “CheckForOSX”
- Sekarang disk imagenya direname dengan nama Mac OS X Install DVD
- Burn disk image tersebut dari disk utility.
Selamat mencoba. Artikel ini diterjemahkan dari
I think I really need to update my 10.5.1 to 10.5.2 because from the article I recently read, It contains some attractive things and support more "Apple things" like remote disc and wireless time machine using time capsule. Here is some sneak peak for 10.5.2 update I taken from babygotmac.
- Remote Disc Support
This is the new feature of macbook Air because it has no optical drive. Remote disc settings has been added to 10.5.2 - Wireless Backup
Time Machine can also use a disk connected to your Airport Express as a backup location. Maybe this can support Time Capsule for backing up file wirelessly - Time Machine Dropdown Menu
You can drop off Time Machine icon on your dock because now there is one on the dropdown menu bar. - List view in Stacks
I have written some information about List view in Bahasa Indonesia. But you can see the picture below