After yesterday's tumultuous excitement over MobileMe, the iPhone 3G, and Snow Leopard, another unannounced development has slipped under the radar. Today, Apple released an early preview of Safari 4.0 on its Apple Developer Connection website. Just a little over a year since betas of the Safari 3 browser began to become available to the public, its successor promises to begin laying down the foundation of the next iteration of the Mac OS X operating system - Snow Leopard. Like Snow Leopard, Safari 4 is primarily focused on performance enhancements, especially in its underlying WebKit engine, rather than new features and UI changes, scoring an impressive 98% on the Acid 3 test.
Currently, this early preview of Safari 4 is only available to developers and requires Safari 3.1.1 to install the update. As of this morning, it has also been spotted aboard a certain pirate ship docked in a bay.
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