Posted by WinLinMac01 on May 28th, 2008 in Community,
An Update for all Leo4All Users
When Eddie11c came up with the idea of a Universal Mac OS X Leopard release we (the administrators of the New Leo4All Forum) were astonished to hear that this was being developed. After taking the time to try the first few of his releases we were also amazed about the significant improvements that were being made after each release. Initially, when Eddie11c created his first release, WinLinMac01 became eager to test it out and was later motivated to create a Wiki as part of a new community known as the, OSx86-Leo4All Community, dedicated to Eddie11c. The Wiki followed great success detailing the issues that were revolving around the current release and solutions that were available for them. However, later this month, the Wiki experienced an overload of visitors which resulted in periodic lagging on the site. With the huge volume of visitors, posting on the forum integrated on the Wiki site, the numbers were simply unbearable. The Wiki needed continuous maintenance and other issues had to be resolved. The forum itself was disorganized. With this in hand, we have decided to utilize the Wiki as a Knowledge base Center from now on instead.
We have taken the opportunity to open a dedicated-Leo4All forum that will enable users to share their views about Leo4All, the issues they are facing, and much more, openly with us. We hope you enjoy the new look and freedom you are getting with this new site. Welcome to the New Leo4All Forum Website!
Thank you choosing Leo4All created by Eddie11c.
The Team