Mac OS X For U

Osx86 Dragon Team

Posted by crawle on March 25th, 2008 in Osx86

Many forums claimed that it’s not possible to add a GUID/OSX86-Partition to the Windows Bootloader.

This post is dedicated to prove the opposite.
Ofcourse the operating systems have to be on seperated devices, because of the different partition schemes (Windows = MBR, OSX86 = MBR or GUID - in this case GUID).

But I found a way to add a OSX86-Partition on a GUID-Scheme to the Windows Bootloader.

If you don’t know whether your OSx86 is installed on a MBR or on a GUID scheme, just launch the Disk Utility in Utilities and look at the details of your Harddrive. If it’s MBR (Master Boot Record), you just need to add the chain0 file to your Windows’ root and add it to your boot.ini.

But in the case that your HDD is formatted to GUID (the more complex/advanced and easier scheme), you need another file. Please let me elaborate:

If in Windows, just use TransMac or MacDrive to find the file. If you’re using a Mac, click on Go to in the Menubar, then click on Go to directory/folder.

Type /usr/standalone/i386 - You’re now in the location of the OSx86-Bootfiles. Go to guid and copy the boot0 file to your Windows-Root (in most cases C:\). If you can’t access your Windows-HDD on Mac, please read this article.

Now you just have to add following line to your boot.ini (also placed in the Windows-Root but in most cases invisible, so just type C:\boot.ini in the Explorer-Browser):

C:\boot0=Mac OS X Leopard

The words Mac OS X Leopard can be customized - it’s just the displayed name of the operating system.

If you want your newly added OSx86 as the default operating system on start, change




That’s it. After that you can change the timeout in boot.ini if you desire to. Now you’ve got a Dual-Boot-System with Mac OS X (on GUID) and Windows (NT/XP/Vista).

Important Notes:

  • If you’ve got Vista, you have to use EasyBCD to add a Mac OS -> iMac/iBook and use the boot0-file instead of boot.efi.
  • If you’ve got Windows XP with Vista-Bootloader, remove all other entries than XP, so the Vista-Bootloader disappears on start and the NT-Bootloader is used.

Good Luck,


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