Today, at 10:00AM(-8:00GMT), Steve Jobs will start his keynote and unveil new products. There is not that much more time to wait. Here in San Francisco, it is very sunny, not a cloud in the sky, and about 65ºF. Even before the keynote, we know he is going to mention something about the iPhone:
Same goes for many more countries, including Taiwan and Singapore.
I will post updates here as I hear about them.
-Snow Leopard confirmed, but it's getting shown after lunch
-Super Monkey Ball available on AppStore for $9.99, it has 110 levels. We still haven't gotten to any new products yet.
-New App: eBay, view your auctions, bid on watched auctions, and see if you've been bid out.
-Cro-Mag Rally and Enigmo: these were my two favorite games when I was younger, and they look great!
-Band from Moo Cow Music: it looks exactly like the app for jailbroken iPhones:
-For AIM: Apple will maintain a persistent IP connection to the phone, where a 3rd party server can ping Apple's notification service to your device. It can push badges, sounds, and custom textual alerts (like how SMSs look).
-Steve sez "Isn't that fantastic? This is going to be great. In addition... we've got a few new features. The first one: contact search. Type in a few chars, instantly find who you're looking for. Second? Full iWork document support -- Pages, Numbers, and of course, Keynote. Great way to look at your iWork docs on the go. And we've completed MS Office support: Word, Excel, and now PowerPoint, too."
-If the App is less than 10MB, it can be downloaded over the cell network, otherwise it's WiFi.
-mobileme exists. "It's like Exchange for the rest of us." Change a contact? Gets pushed up to MobileMe, down to all other device. "The best part of this, it works over the air. Everything is up to date." Includes calender, mail, contacts, iDisk, photos. MobileMe replaces .Mac.
-"Today w'ere introducing the iPhone 3g." "Improved audio, it's really, really great... and it feels even better in your hand, if you can believe it." "Flush headphone jack." "Solid metal buttons, the same gorgeous 3.5-inch display, camera" Less expensive.
"If we compare this to WiFi, we'll see 3G approaches WiFi speeds. We're also really proud that we're doing this with great battery life -- standby time is 300 hours." "Location services is going to be a really big deal on the iPhone -- you saw a bit of that here today, it's going to explode. We get location from celltowers, from WiFi, and now we get it from GPS." So that's A-GPS. "We can actually do tracking.""So great performance, great battery life. Now, one other thing that benefits from fast data is GPS -- we've built that into GPS." The crowd roars. "Browsing, 5-6 hours of high speed browsing. Video - 7 hours, audio - 24 hours."
-Black and white colors, 8gb for $199 and 16Gb for $299. July 11th.
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